Tagged: work

Important Projects in Kathmandu

Among my social circle, I am famous for my financial providence, frugality and forward planning, so it will surprise absolutely no one that, when we...

Welcome to Singapore!

There is a right frame of mind to enter a new country — wide-eyed, alert, well-rested, on the qui vive for new things to see,...

The Eagle Has Flown

Bustling around the room in his new black T-shirt and jeans, gathering clothes, piling belongings on his bed, Z looks — well, I can only...

A Tough Question

In Magic Lounge, the drinking den where we sprawl on orange sofas and use their satellite internet after a day on the beaches of Kuta,...

Help! I'm Location Independent

“Location independent” is a phrase I, frankly, loathe. Though, with its implication that anyone who’s not travelling has somehow failed to think about what they...