Category: Blogging


Oh to Describe the Teenage Years!

More from a surfeit of material than a lack, I haven’t been blogging much of late, although my desktop is cluttered with half-finished posts. That’s...

The Seven Deadly Sins of Blogging

Now, it would be lovely to think – and quite easy to believe, from some of the location independent crap currently floating around the blogosphere...

A Wander Through My Inbox

“As one of America’s favorite travel bloggers,” the email concludes, “I’d appreciate if you could consider sharing…” I am flattered by this for about a...

Grief in the Digital Age

The other day I shared a blog post that moved me deeply. Moved me to tears, in fact. And other people cried and shared it...

My 7 Links: It’s Payback Time

Almost a year ago we were in Malaysian Borneo — somewhere up the Batang Rejang, as I recall — and I joined in a sort...