Tagged: single parent

Class lesson on snakes: children handling a reticulated python.

Back to School!

Can You Take a Child out of School for a Year? I recently came across a parents group arguing against longterm family travel on the...

The S Word

When the lovely Colin and Tracy asked me over appropriately, err, lubricating quantities of beer, to put together a piece on sex on the road,...

Help! I'm Location Independent

“Location independent” is a phrase I, frankly, loathe. Though, with its implication that anyone who’s not travelling has somehow failed to think about what they...

A Little Adrenaline

From terrifying, world class surf breaks at Ulu Watu to the beginner-friendly swells on Kuta Beach, from one of the world’s easiest and most satisfying...

A Country Wedding

In the dirt yard, by the communal sleeping platform her family have built outside their wooden home, Biasri, eighteen years old and five months gone,...