The Last Post on Travels With A Nine Year Old

I started this blog back in January 2010.

Zac was nine. We were going travelling for a year.

And this is what he looked like then:


And, well, this is what he looks like now:


Thank you, to all of you, who’ve been following us for the last two-plus years.

For almost a thousand days of travel (974, in fact).

But this is goodbye.

Nah, not really.

Less a goodbye than sayonara.

We’re moving on.

Of course, we’re always moving on. We’re nomads, goddamn it!

But this relocation is digital.

You see, some people might have thought that the web address would have reached the end of its useful lifespan around the time Zac turned ten (November 2010).

And, it did cross my mind.

And again when he turned eleven. (November last year.)

But now he’s rising twelve, even I have to pull my finger out.

So we’re moving! Lock, stock and barrel.

After 974 (count’em!) days of travel, for well over 600 of which Zac has been well past nine, we’re relocating to a brand new url, which I hope is a bit more futureproof than the last. (It couldn’t be much less, right?!)

And a website designed by a real, live designer, rather than one downloaded for nowt.

The new site will be EscapeArtistes, the name those of you who follow my drivel on Twitter will note I’ve been using for a while.

And I’m really excited about it.

All the good old stories are moving over, so you won’t be missing out on anything.

And I’ll still carrying on writing about our journey, geographical, physical and emotional, my infinitely sardonic and incredibly tolerant son, and the fabulous and less fabulous places we go to along the way.

To be honest, I should have realised the old name wasn’t quite right on oh-so-many-levels when a fellow blogger refused to share a post on the grounds that it contained profanity, and they had a policy of only including family-friendly content.

You see, here’s the thing.

It’s all very well being the most sweary, least family-friendly family travel blog (and, yes, that’s a thing! Alright?! It’s TOTALLY a thing!) out there, but it does kinda limit you.

Hell, even my son’s blog isn’t family-friendly.


Time for another pretty picture!

So… What to expect apart from more of the same?

Well, I’ll feel a lot better writing about 10p whiskies, that moment in Beirut when sex met Facebook and it all went horribly wrong, or prostitute-y personal ads, on a domain that doesn’t say “it’s all about the kids”, and where I don’t feel I have to preface said post with a warning to my audience of pre-tweens…

And, also, I’ll feel more free to write about stuff that I feel like writing about. Be that movies, books, politics, parenting, or observational stuff on sex tourism and similar.

I’ve been doing some of this already. And I’m looking forward to doing more.

But still what you’ll find at the heart of this blog is what it’s always been about.

It’s the story of an incompetently unconventional life, of adventures, mishaps, wonderful and, actually, kinda crappy places, and, what I hope shines through most of the time, of the journey through mother-love and motherhood, and a rather fantastic kid.

This is a great life, if a crazy life, and I’m very glad to live it.

I think (and Zac thinks) it’s also a fantastic childhood for Zac to have. Though I guess his therapist will have the last word on that.


So… I’d like to say thank you, to everyone who’s read and enjoyed my stuff and encouraged me to keep going on this creative path I love so much.

To every single one of the 18 people who tuned in during my first month (I have a large family…), and have, I hope, stayed along for the ride, and to the (gulp!) twenty thousand or so of you who tune in every month now.

Also to everyone, and I do mean everyone, who’s ever left me a comment, and all you silent lurkers out there who keep coming back.

In fact, I’ll be giving one of you a holiday to say thank you!

I’m hoping this is going to be an absolutely smooth and seamless transition, because, you know, the interwebz are TOTALLY like that, and I always have such great luck when it comes to organising complicated things like transferring a gigantic, badly-organised website over to a whole new platform while staying somewhere with no internet.

Yeah, it’s going to work great!

Still, insha’allah, those of you who subscribe will carry on getting emails (if you don’t hear from me by Thursday, something’s gone horribly wrong), and we’ll still be there on Facebook, just with a new name, but everything will be:



So, thank you! Here’s the biggest virtual hug, ever. And I’ll see you in a day or so on

45 Responses

  1. Thanks for everything you two!!! It truly has been a blast reading of your adventures on this site, and don’t worry we will follow you on your new url as well!!!

  2. Sally says:

    Yay! Can’t wait to see the new digs!

  3. Keith says:

    Been enjoying your blog since I started traveling 2 years ago and you are STILL my favorite travel blog. Good luck with the transition.

    • Theodora says:

      Thanks, Keith! Really hugely appreciated… Take it you’re no longer in Korea?! They finally unblocked it, completely at random, after about four months…

  4. Good luck with the move … you’ve had loads of experience moving so all should go well.

    I only found your site a few months ago and you have quickly become my favorite blogger. I can’t wait for more

  5. Congrats on the change, and the past accomplishments! Sounds exciting, can;t wait to start following along!

  6. Talon says:

    Congrats! Looking forward to the new site! And I enjoy that you’re a swearing family blogger. You’re welcome to guest blog for mine any time. 🙂

    • Theodora says:

      Ooh, I think after the site move I’ll want a quiet month in a sanatorium mainlining gin — but, yes, why not? I’m off to Spain tomorrow, btw, but sadly only for four days…

  7. Way cool. I for one have always thought your writing was precisely family friendly. For real people and real families and real lives. But that’s just me. Please make sure I’m a subscriber on the new platform. And of course, I’m tracking you on Facebook. Oh, and one thought….the mark of what you’ve done in those few years can be seen in his eyes in the then-and-now shots. Well done my friend.

    • Theodora says:

      I’m glad you think that, Powell. I think in the UK we have a broader definition of what’s family-friendly and what isn’t, and we’re also a lot more relaxed about swearing. I’ll ensure you make it on to the subscription list.

  8. Fingers crossed you all get moved easily!! See you there!

  9. jaszeal says:

    oh my goodness!! congrats to both of you!! I thought for a moment you were one forever and I was heartbroken id have no favourite blog to live vicariously through;) see ypu on the other side Theodora and z!

  10. Pamela says:

    I can’t wait to see the new site!

  11. WanderMom says:

    18 is NOT a large family girlfriend 🙂

    Onward + upward. Will be seeing you over at your new abode soon.

    • Theodora says:

      Well, my family is slightly larger than 18, in fairness. But, I’d agree, especially given one side is Catholic, it’s on the weeny side….

  12. Diego says:

    Your move is better, I believe. Every change must be considered a positive thing because it starts a new beginning. Goodluck!

  13. kristy says:

    Having seen some early versions of the new site I can’t wait! Lots of laughs here at the TWANYO site- the new one will be even better!

    See you there.

    • Theodora says:

      Thanks, Kristy. You won’t be at all surprised to realise quite how long it’s taken to get from where it was in Kusadasi to where it is now.

  14. Well goodluck, and if I’ve never said that before, then thanks for everything! You know you’re one of the main reasons my blog moved to the next step!

    I’ll see you on

  15. I’ve only recently found this site, and I’m still looking forward to seeing the new one. Congrats on your digital move.

  16. Onwards and upwards I suppose. Good luck!

    • Theodora says:

      Thanks, Adam. Insha’allah, everything’s moved over OK and the new era dawneth in a positive fashion…

  17. LMM says:

    SO glad it’s not really goodbye! Don’t know what I would do without the amazing photography, hilarious stories, and ability to live vicariously through your adventures! Take Care!

    • Theodora says:

      Aw, thank you! Particularly for your kind words about my pictures. That’s something I’ve been working really hard on over the last couple of years, and I’m glad it’s showing some results at last!

  18. Best of luck! I dig your style 🙂

  19. Antje says:

    Thanks Theodora for taking me on all these adventures and giving me inspiration and a way to see the world during the last 2 years when i wasn’t able to travel due to health. Getting there now so cant wait to take the kids ballooning in Turkey or driving a motorbike in Vietnam or seeing Uluru. I like the swearing, WTF cough live is too short to worry about it!!! Please keep it going and good luck Escape Artistes Antje

    • Theodora says:

      And thank you for following along, Antje. I’m so glad you enjoy seeing the world, and really hope you’re well enough to do things independently too very, very soon… xxx

  20. Rosa says:

    I’ve been following you both.Love your style.
    I’m looking forward to continue reading your posts.
    All the best to you!

  21. That’s many travels. Your kid will be a good blogger like you. May I ask how you still manage your kid’s education?

  22. Helen says:

    The move has clearly gone well, I am so pleased for you – and it really is easier to read! Keep going, love Helen

    • Theodora says:

      Brilliant! I just have to make myself findable on Google under the new name and the old name simultaneously. Eek!