Monthly Archive: February 2011


All Dollars Are Not Created Equal

When it comes to travel money, there’s a general assumption that good old US greenbacks will work almost anywhere in the world, even beyond the...

Mmmm….. Pork!

Now, I do love pork. And, if pork’s your thing – or even if it isn’t normally – Balinese babi guling is a dish you...

The Sunday Six: Melbourne Bars

Biero Like beer? Then you’ll love Biero, which offers several hundred of the world’s finest brews, from the eye-wateringly expensive high-alcohol triple bocks through to...

Bali cremation: Men tend pyres with kerosene burners.

A Cremation in Bali

The three giant black bulls had been sitting in state outside Ubud Palace for a day or so, golden necklaces adorning their necks, their dangling...

The S Word

When the lovely Colin and Tracy asked me over appropriately, err, lubricating quantities of beer, to put together a piece on sex on the road,...

Help! I'm Location Independent

“Location independent” is a phrase I, frankly, loathe. Though, with its implication that anyone who’s not travelling has somehow failed to think about what they...