Tagged: rtw

Travels with a Ten Year Old

Today is Take Your Child To Work Day, so a bunch of lovely folk who travel with a wildly varying selection of spawn — from...

F*ck It. I’m A Tourist.

Tourist or traveller? It’s a question as old as the first ever travel books. But I don’t like the word “traveller”. It smells of one-upmanship,...

Class lesson on snakes: children handling a reticulated python.

Back to School!

Can You Take a Child out of School for a Year? I recently came across a parents group arguing against longterm family travel on the...

All Dollars Are Not Created Equal

When it comes to travel money, there’s a general assumption that good old US greenbacks will work almost anywhere in the world, even beyond the...

The S Word

When the lovely Colin and Tracy asked me over appropriately, err, lubricating quantities of beer, to put together a piece on sex on the road,...