Tagged: single mother


Butterflies and Mimosa

I’ve always been a fan of provincial museums. Which probably comes from growing up in an era when the Thomas the Tank Engine road show...


Yesterday we said goodbye to Granny and Grandpa, who are off to Hong Kong for a week of sybaritic luxury with an old friend, then...

Underwater Frisbee

Underwater Frisbee

Z has had his first dive! In Puerto Galera, the Philippines, one of the world’s best diving spots. He’s become progressively more excited about diving...

Under the Volcano

“You can’t swim in the crater now,” says Michael, our guide, as we negotiate the bangka across Lake Taal to the serene, petite volcano at...

Starfish and Shells

Easter Monday, and Marinduque is back into election mode. Banner-fluttering jeepneys pump out the Pilipino answer to Things Can Only Get Better in clouds as...

The Best-Laid Plans…

We have hot-footed it — well, night-bused it — back from Luang Prabang to Vientiane, with a sleeper train to Bangkok ahead of us tonight,...

Palanquins and Kings

The generational differences between me and Z never cease to amaze me. We went to the Royal Palace in Luang Prabang, Laos, yesterday, former home...

The Pocket Diplomat

Whatever our struggles with formal schooling, Z’s certainly learning a lot as we travel. And he sure does choose his moments to show it. We...

Up with the Larks

So we’ve arrived in Luang Prabang, Laos, and, as ever, I’m still trying to work out whether the benefits of night buses — saves a...

Bang Bang, Vang Vieng

Vang Vieng, Laos. Sullied paradise. Stoner playground. Backpacker hell. Apparently not the ideal destination to explore with child in tow, silkscreen landscape, gorgeous river and...