Tagged: insurance

Zac being prepared for surgery in Hong Kong.

Good to Go!

There’s a bustle in the room when I snap awake, an orderly cluster of pastel-dressed nurses, neat in pink, apricot, mauve and chocolate, emitting the...

Detail of MRI scan output.

The Longest Night

After Zac’s epic and terrifying reaction to Stemetil, I am now quietly confident that everything that could go wrong already has. After a refreshing cigarette...

X-Ray of Zac's broken arm, showing displaced fracture of humerus.

Pizza, X-Rays and the Waiting Game

The ambulance driver indicates I should buckle my seatbelt, which seems a little conservative of him until he hits the road. More than half the...

Zac on the helicopter over Mongolia.

Helicopter Evac – Way to Go!

Morning dawns and both Zac and I are quite childishly excited about the prospect of a helicopter evac. You see, neither of us have actually...

bunch of plastic pink and white flowers

Who You Gonna Call?

The following episode takes place between 9am and 10am on the day we were hoping to leave Manado. INT: A surprisingly posh hotel room. Z...