Tagged: history


Siwa: A Wild West Town in Egypt

There is something about the desert that sends folk stir crazy, and Siwa, a Wild West town in Egypt’s Western Desert, is about as crazy...

The Friday Photo: Our Favourite Temple?

After clambering through the pyramids, visiting the wonders of Luxor, and exploring Aswan, Abu Simbel and other Nile sites, I’m still struggling to work out...

The Luxor Top Ten

The capital of Egypt for the great pharaohs of the New Kingdom, more than a thousand years after the Old Kingdom chaps built the pyramids...

The Friday Photo: Abu Simbel by Night

The four colossi below depict Ramses II, a talented and courageous soldier, devoted husband and full-blown egomaniac who was Egypt’s longest-reigning pharaoh. 70 feet tall...

The Pyramids 101

The Pyramids are on almost everyone’s travel bucket list, and, with tourist numbers low after the Revolution and Cairo still relatively safe, now is an...

On the Politics of Museums

The more time we spend in museums around the world, the more I come to realise how very, very political they are. Take the National...

The Friday Photo: Temple of Heaven

Of all the great architecture in Beijing, the capital of Chinese emperors from Kublai Khan onwards, the Temple of Heaven is probably the most accessible....