Category: Travel Lifestyle

Lao Saunas

Lao Saunas

Laos wouldn’t seem the most obvious place for a sauna, particularly not in the lowlands, during dry season, but after a pedicure from doctor fish...


On Laundry

So this rather hot Kiwi chap in his 30s hit on me in the hotel last night. Obviously, I completely failed to register it until...

Ladybird Hats

Ladybird Hats

In South-East Asia, we’ve been spending a lot of time on the back of bikes. Call them motos, xe om or motorbike taxis, they’re generally...

Doctor Fish

Downtown Siem Reap, your starter for ten for the glories of the Angkor era, is tacky as hell. Yet, while a banner boasting “the most...

Lotus Seeds

Lotus Seeds

When someone you have never met in a country you have never visited gives your child and you a present and wants nothing in return...