Best Face Forward?

I have a really conflicted relationship with makeup.

It’s not that I don’t wear it.

You wouldn’t see me dead in a posh bar without makeup; I applied slap daily for a blogging conference I went to; and, of course, I did my damnedest for this travel blogging calendar thing.

But my application skills are more Krusty the Clown than Bobbi Brown, and, whether cause or effect, this makes cosmetics a very occasional thing for me.

It’s also hassle. Ya know?

You need to take it off at the end of the day.

Although… Now that we’re back in the kind of climate that leaves one tending towards the pale and interesting (read: blotchy and purplish), I’m seriously contemplating reintroducing a bit of slap.

If only to lose the zombie look around the eyes.

That said, there are contexts in which I simply don’t get wearing makeup.

The beach, for example…

Wearing makeup with a bikini is like wearing heels with a bikini.

It just seems, well, wrong.

Unless you’re a video ho on a hip-hop shoot in Miami, a Victoria’s Secret model on board P Diddy’s yacht, or, ya know, Courtney Stodden – I have a cold! I’ve been on an intellectual diet of internet famous people, YouTube fail videos, Cheezburger and social media! — a bikini is for swimming in, no?

You don’t swim in high heels.

And unless you’re a synchronised swimmer or RuPaul, you don’t swim in makeup, either.

Ergo: bikini plus heels, or bikini plus makeup, equals wrong.

Not, however, as wrong as makeup plus trekking gear.

Yep. Trekking in makeup.

The boy and I were in one of our posher local Pokhara eateries t’other day, where an all-female group were celebrating completing the Annapurna Circuit that morning, still in their hiking boots and Annapurna 2012 fleeces.

Now, that’s a bitch of a trek, no question of it.

Well worth the celebration.

Which made it all the more surprising that at least two-thirds of the women in that (I repeat) all-female group were trekking in makeup. And full makeup, at that — foundation, lippie, blusher, eye couture, the works.

How DOES that work?

You get up at 5am for breakfast at 6am before your 6.30am start, allowing an extra half hour to apply makeup…

You crawl into your teahouse’s unheated bathroom…

Nah. You don’t, surely?!

You MUST, surely, stay in bed with your makeup bag beside you and a mirror balanced on your lap, grabbing that last half hour of warmth as you work on finetuning the stuff around the eyes?

Do you?

Or do they have, like, centrally heated teahouses with elaborate bathrooms at every night’s stop now?

And, further… why?

You’re not going to be meeting many mirrors on your thigh-straining series of ascents and descents. You’re still less likely, I would venture, to meet the man (or woman) of your dreams.

And, does it really, really matter what you look like in those temperatures?

Or is it just that you feel so vile anyway that it’s worth carrying a full makeup bag up to 5000-odd metres just to improve your mood?

Still, gentle readers, if any one of you has successfully applied makeup while negotiating high altitude trekking, I’d love to hear.

Truly, I would.

We head off for Everest Base Camp on Monday.

And I’m seriously considering bringing my lipstick.

Thanks to Simply Abbey for the image.

18 Responses

  1. Yvette says:

    As someone who saw classmates do makeup to the nines at my all-girls high school, the answer is a large percentage of women do it to impress other women. And/or have very messed-up ideas about their appearances. Never do it myself unless it’s before going to a hot date or one of my improv shows or something.

    Good luck with Everest!

    • Theodora says:

      Even outside our teens we have to impress each other? How depressing…

      Yes, for me makeup’s a special occasion thing, too. Though, back in the UK, I did wear mascara every day…

  2. Sally says:

    I hiked up Mt. Fuji with women in full makeup. I should mention that we were hiking IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. Yep, I went with a Japanese friend, and she wanted to do it the Japanese way — which is to start hiking up in the middle of the night so you can be at the top at sunrise. I could kind of maybe understand wearing makeup if we were hiking in the middle of the day and you wanted to look good in your pictures (still, I wouldn’t because there’s really no amount o foundation that’s going to make me look good while I’m huffing and puffing up the side of a mountain). But in the middle of the night?

    • Theodora says:

      That is bizarro. Not the middle of the night thing — that seems to be a fairly routine piece of mountain brutality (and if you leave it till late in the day, typically you miss the views as clouds come in and block them) — but the full makeup thing. When we did Kinabalu, everyone got up at 1am. But I didn’t see a single person wearing makeup.

      The unheated dorms and bathrooms might have had something to do with that, though…

  3. Amanda says:

    Let’s see what you say in 10 years time…

    • Theodora says:

      IDK. My mother doesn’t wear makeup and she’s in her 60s. Although I do have the smoker’s skin to worry about…

  4. Tracy says:

    Clearly you are just hiking wrong, that’s the only answer. It’s time to pick up your game … a pair of heels to hike Everest in is probably in order as well!

    I can still remember our first beach holiday in South Korea. Here we were in our daggy swimmers slathered in sunscreen surrounded by ladies in perfectly fitted bikinis, heels, bangles, full makeup, nails done and hair … if you were to put on a frock on them you would swear they were off to the races.

    Ditto to what Yvette said. It’s all about women impressing women. We’re silly, silly creatures.

    • Theodora says:

      Yeah, depressing, isn’t it? In a way, I’d feel better if we were impressing men. Or impressing women we wanted to sleep with. At least there’d be some POINT in it then…

  5. Alyson says:

    I wish I could post a picture here of me with my arctic explorer suntan/windburn/freezing weather chapping, after coming over the Thorong La ( Annapurna) I didn’t want to touch my face, let alone put cosmetics on it. And that was WITH sunblock/lipblock. Most of my lips sort of peeled off zombie flesheaters styley. It was gross. So Don’t take makeup, plus you don’t need the extra weight.

    • Theodora says:

      OK. That’s making me feel VERY glad I bought the jumbo tub of vaseline. If not optimistic.

      That sounds truly, truly horrid. Yikes.

  6. Helen says:

    Heels may do on the way up, but what about the way down? Lippie vital – or aloe vera lip balm or vaseline, even dripping (pork,beef, whatever), anything to keep the lips from cracking. Forget the rest. Cheek colour will come from broken veins, and who needs mascara when you have really good bags? Foundation will certainly protect, but only if taken off regularly and replaced with night cream. Will you really do this or will you end up with terminal pimples? Forget it – enjoy/hate the experience, you will be more beautiful for it and much much richer. Feed the skin with nutrients and forget the trappings. Credibilty requires a few wrinkles. Love Helen, have a great time.

    • Theodora says:

      Thank you, Helen! I’ve invested in a jumbo pot of vaseline, and I’m really hoping that does the trick….

  7. Bethaney says:

    I’m not sure I could ever be bothered with that! After dragging a full case of make-up around for five months and using it twice, I need to condense. What’s the perfect amount of make-up to take on long term travels?

    • Theodora says:

      Ooh, lord knows, I think it’s a matter of personal choice. I’ve never owned very much makeup at any one time. I’d say as a minimum mascara, lippie and foundation. It also depends what climates you’re in. If you’re in the cold, you need more. I can’t imagine eyeshadow being worth transporting around for the number of times you’d use it. Maybe — your typical “day face” (if you have one), plus a red lippie and black eyeliner for evenings?

  8. How weird! I am not against some mascara, but the full monty? Surely you just sweat away foundation and blusher whilst trekking. I can imagine that foundation mixed with sweat gives you a pretty nasty look actually. Plus how much extra weight does it add to your luggage when trekking? Can’t wait to read about your EBC trek. We will be doing it next March.

  9. Emba says:

    Hi, I realise I’m a year late in commenting, still catching up on your blog 🙂

    I think it’s Facebook – those women are going to be tagged in all of each others photos and all over the internet and they want to look good. I’m not saying it’s not mad – just that I come across this type of woman a lot. Fair play to them, if they can be bothered losing sleep and carrying extra gear to photograph a bit better. I’d pick sleep every time.

    • Theodora says:

      Sleep for me, also, all the way, Emma. *wipes diving salt crystals off face and idly wonders why still does not have boyfriend*